Memorialize the 2024 United States Eclipse
Your Time & Space Aligned.
You are space, You are Time.
In this precise moment is a coordinate
like no other.
In the Shadow of the Moon
Darkness consumed.
Pixels of red flared out the edges.
One could climb the roof of the sky and out the black hole.
In a minute I'll be free.
Solar Flares Visible,
Perfect Time in Perfect Space.
The moment the sun peaked out
Daylight in an instant.
That moment
Captured forever.
The Total Eclipse Watch
Assembled in the United States
Everyone who witnessed the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse says the same thing "I had no idea it was so amazing" and "I never could have imagined what is was like until I saw it in person". If you saw the 2024 solar eclipse you know what we mean.
Not Until 2044
Most of us will not live to see the next Total Eclipse in the United States of America. From Arkansas to Michigan to Montreal, the total eclipse of 2024 mesmerized and amazed us. The Mayan culture believed a Total Eclipse signals a New Start, A Reset.
A Portal In Time & Space
Visible Solar Flares!
Where you also wondering what the Red pixels around the corona was when the solar eclipse was taking place? Finding out that those visible pixels were actually solar flares splashing out of the sun reaching out into space, that we could actually see this. I am elated to know that I saw solar flares with my own eyes, and of course, I am beyond elated to have witnessed the total solar eclipse. If you have an opportunity to witness a total solar eclipse, do it! It is indescribable the instant effect of totality, and the moment totality ends, with just a fraction of the suns light, the entire Earth lights up showcasing the power of the sun.