Gruen Time Hill Tour: Lighthouse Youth & Family Services
Cincinnati Watch Company was honored to tour Gruen Watch Company's guild, nicknamed "Time Hill" in 2021. Paul Haffner, President of the current resident of Time Hill, Lighthouse Youth & Family Services, provided an exquisite upclose and outside tour of the Internationally cherished horological treasure in Cincinnati, Time Hill.
If you want to know more about Gruen Watch Company at Time Hill read here, blog about Gruen Watch Company,
If you want to see pictures of Time Hill in 2021, Gruen Watch Company's grand guild, this is your post.
Watches Made in Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati Watch Company watch designer Rick Bell and watchmaker Jordan Ficklin at Gruen Watch Company's guild, "Time Hill" in Cincinnati, Ohio. USA.

Cincinnati Watch Company is honored to be designing & assembling watches in Cincinnati, Ohio just like Gruen Watch Company did at Time Hill.
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Horological history was made on a regular basis by the guild of watchmakers at Time Hill. In 1913, Dietrich Gruen turned a quiet, steep grassy hillside just outside of downtown, Cincinnati into a peaceful sunlit space for his Gruen watchmaker guild to assemble watches in the large halls with their long rows of bright windows.
Let's Take a Tour.
As you see by the masks this tour took place years ago during Covid. Masks were mandatory and we were happy to be out and about again.
Start on the Outside
Dietrich Gruen's had a core belief that all things should be functional AND beautiful. The reliefs of the family name and crest on the exterior tower wall is perfect Gruen Watch Company.
Below is the front of the Guild's entrance facing North and E. McMillan St. The address of Time Hill is 401 E. McMillan St. Cincinnati, Ohio. 45206
Below. The back of Gruen sat atop a high steep hill, almost a cliffside. The top stories of Time Hill would have protruded into the sky in the 1920's. The lower building on the right was an extension added to Time Hill after 1958.
Below. Looking out a window inside Time Hill, it always looked like looking over a neighborhood with it's many church steeples. But all coming from the same building..
Below: 1950 Gruen Precision 21
The watch model that houses the movement that Gruen manufactured in Cincinnati.
Inside the entrance hall of Time Hill waiting for the President. The fun fact about this picture is this is just after Jordan Ficklin joined the company. What we know now has been a smashing relationship I can say, this was the first outing as a new watch company partnerships.