Gruen Movement Made in Cincinnati

The Movement Gruen Manufactured in Cincinnati

The Movement Gruen Manufactured in Cincinnati at the United States Playing Card Company and the excellent Clock Tower 

The Cincinnati Watch Company has a great affinity for the former United States Playing Card Company factory in Norwood, this is where the Gruen Watch Company leased space for their own movement making machines from 1948 and possibly until 1957, with certainty from between 1948 - 1950.

Gruen had to get special permission from the Swiss government to be allowed to produce Gruen's own mechanical watch movements. Time Hill did not have the factory floor space for the machining tools needed, so leasing space inside the nearby United States Playing Card Company factory in Norwood became the solution.

Gruen Movement  Made in Cincinnati

Making Watch Movements in the United States

Gruen produced their own watch movements in Cincinnati, Ohio starting 1948; pictured below is the 21 Jewel, 335C Gruen movement created inside the old United States Playing Card Company factory between 1948-1950. The American made movements would have then been driven the short distance to Time Hill in Walnut Hills where Gruen horologists would assemble and test the watches.



Time Hill Cincinnati Ohio

Here is a watch that came out of Gruen at Time Hill with the movement manufactured and assembled at the United States Playing Card Company in Norwood, Oh. A Cincinnati made movement, assembled in Cincinnati, and sold directly to jewelers.

The most Cincinnatian made watch in history. 


Save The Clock Tower!

The United States Playing Card Company factory clock is massive and on a massive building. In the early 20th Century the belief in what time it actually is, was often measured in part on the building the clock is on, the size of the clock, the distance the clock can be seen,and the trust in the company who owned the building; at least in the case of the workers at the United States Playing Card Company, this clock was the clock you set your watch by!

In this case for at least the workers at this factory, this clock was the clock you set your watch by!

In this post you'll see pics of the clock tower's gravity driven mechanical movement that powers all 4 of the clock faces on the clock tower. The images are blurry as they are screenshots taken from a video provided by two urban explorers who posted their unscheduled urban excursion of the factory on YouTube.

You'll see a very nice drone flyover video of the clock tower as well as images of the Cincinnati Union Terminal Clock Movement for comparison.


Demolition work on the former United States Playing Card Company factory in Norwood June 2020


Drone Flyover of the Clock Tower

This terrific drone footage video below found on YouTube One Take Tommy is a must see. Ariel video of the massive factory and office headquarters focusing magnificently on the clock tower on the Unites States Playing Card Company; this video is fantastic. Thank you One Take Tommy!

Please like this awesome video and consider subscribing to One Take Tommy's Youtube channel for this delight.



Urban Explorers Exploring (Climbing on) the Clock Tower Movement

Below is a screenshot of the video from a YouTube channel called TENZING showing a scene from when the characters "urban explore" the tower and the clock. They briefly show images of the weight-driven mechanical movement powering the giant 4 clocks facing North, South, East, & West - since there is very little online about the movement powering the clock, screenshots from the video will have to suffice for now.

What interests me the most is the mechanism above the movement that splits the power and timing into four directions equally and accurately. Amazing that one movement can power 4 clocks perfectly.

Complex Simplicity. Beautiful!


Clocktower clock at the old U.S Playing Card Company clock tower


By 1900, The United States Playing Card Company moved from downtown, to a newly built factory in Norwood, then, an early suburb in the north-east part of Cincinnati. The four story bell tower was added at the main building entrance in 1926, and housed 12 carillon bells, which ranged from 1 1/2 feet to 5 1/2 feet.[LINK]

One weight driven all mechanical movement- ingenious hardware of functioning beauty keeping accurate time on 4 giant dials 15 feet away in every direction turning giant hands accurately to the second. Mind Blowing.

This movement would have also powered and correctly timed the ringing of the Carillon bells.


The Tower Clock's Weight Driven Movement: Mind Blowing.

The quad mechanism of the movement is incredibly durable and precise yet stretches 15 feet at least, propped up on the other side by the metal wireframe of the clock & glass and clock dial. A small pivot holding up the other end of a rod, the minute hand, attached securely and turning the large radius through the turning of the long rod.

No grinding sound, no creaking, just exquisite.

We are elated that the clock tower is going to be preserved. There is a 100 million investment going into the location of the former United States Playing Card Company factory. The designs call for saving and preserving the clock tower, a part of the old factory, the the iconic smoke stack.

The new owner of the factory is considering mixed use residential commercial space and intending to save the clock tower. The rest of the structure being demolished. Check out this video from urban designers PLK showing the designs & plans for making the old factory site a part of the community of Norwood. What do you think?



We can not express our appreciation that the clock tower and movement are to be preserved and restored. We have many questions about the clock and are always looking for more information. If you have something to share about this clock, including personal stories, please share it with us.

UPDATE: May 2022

The Clock Tower has been preserved including the clocks! While the clock glass and hands will be restored, the mechanical weight-driven movement is too far gone to save. The investors who provided us our tour did not include the clock and did not know what was to become of the clock movement. The clock will run on an electrical circuit. 


Factory 52 Saved The Clock Tower and Samuel Hannaford Cafeteria. I do not know what became of the clock movement. 

Factory 52 is a Hit! We love to go there. A great walkable and bike friendly addition to Norwood neighborhood. 

Factory 52 is fun to walk or bike to in the Summer and The Gatherall indoor cafeteria is life-saving community and warmth in the Winter.

We appreciate the understanding the developer had from the onset with the United States Playing Card Factory.

keeping the quality of architectural assets, the value of which we can barely fathom since we grew up in and around architecture of the level that people travel the world to see. The new version of the space in Norwood saved the Clock Tower and the Samuel Hannaford designed cafeteria, now creatively named The Gatherall, a modern day cafeteria filled with various food vendors.

 Saving the architecture is saving the reason to live somewhere. What makes a place special? What makes a place valuable? Architecture. By saving The Gatherall and the Clock Tower the developers of the new version of the space imbibed their space with the value of the historic architecture, not letting it go to waste and infusing their tenants with something to represent and hold onto for years to come.

 We create here because the architecture is inspiring. 



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